Monthly Archives: May 2017

Ensuring You Don’t Become a Victim of Fraud

It is common knowledge that you shouldn’t download files from an unknown sender. Or if a Nigerian prince emails asking for money, it is a scam. And most people feel that they know how to protect themselves from a becoming a victim of fraud. But criminals are always looking for innovative ways to scam people so it is important to always be on the alert for something suspicious. One new scam that has claimed multiple victims is a phone scam. During the phone call, the scammer will ask seemingly innocent yes or no questions. The person then records you saying “yes” and later makes fraudulent charges to your credit/debit card. When you dispute the charges, the scammer uses the recording of you saying “yes” to defend the charges.

There are also lots of scams that prey on people’s generosity by claiming that they are collecting funds for fallen police officers or firefighters.  Scammers can also manipulate caller ID to make it look like they are calling from a different number. So, how can you protect yourself? Be cautious. If something seems fishy, it probably is. Research the company by doing a quick google search.  Scammers are almost always in a hurry and may even threaten you. Don’t be pressured by them. Always hang up on robo-calls. Also, don’t ever pay in advance for promises (send $300 now and receive a new car in three weeks) or wire money (there is little theft protection when wiring money). Finally, stay informed. You can sign up to receive scam alerts from the Federal Trade Commission at You can help protect others by reporting scams to the FTC at .

-Kathryn M.

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